About This Blog

Hello and welcome to Hearts & Crafts (H&C for short)! …a place where we discuss everything from to applesauce making to zebra-printed, zippered clutches. That’s right…! Not only are we getting into crafts, we’re getting into cooking and construction, too.


Regardless of what level of crafter you are (be it a homeless bum with a pair of sharp scissors and the intent to use them on anything that doesn’t have a heart beat OR are Martha Stewart herself), my aim here at Hearts & Crafts is to generously share my projects with you, being as detailed as possible and providing you with up-close and personal pictures/videos comprised of how-to’s, quick tips, and best practices on the different techniques.

Why I need you in my life (and on this blog):

We’ve all made mistakes in life, right? My biggest ones usually come from not reading the directions or jumping into something without thinking about the consequences. To alleviate some of the mishaps, wouldn’t it be awesome if someone just told you what would happen if you try to use the wrong kind of glue or if you can substitute methods or products to save time and money?

Well that’s where I come in! As much as I love to tell you my process, I’d love to hear about yours. And let’s be honest I could really use advice in certain areas, so while you’re following along–I encourage you to plllleasssee share your story.


11866308_10101917186005738_7478605027373760246_nJust a bit about myself, in case you are wondering…my name is Bijal and I am a California-born, East Indian currently at the age of 29. When I’m not crafting, I am pining away in my company’s San Jose office as a Digital Marketing Manager for a fast-growing, high-tech team in the Web and Mobile Usability & User Experience space. A few of my hobbies (irrelevant to crafting) include: gaming (console and pc), playing board games, entertaining my two cats, Keira and Luna, playing music (been drumming off an on for about 15 years now), keeping up with tech stuff, reading blogs, watching vlogs, etc. and spending time with my boyfriend, his wonderful family and my equally wonderful family!

Why DO I/Should you Craft?:

Now, I don’t know why I got to be this way. May it’s the plethora of resources available in the world of DIY, but I imagine it stemmed from my childhood. Rather common and obvious, one reason we may craft is because it allows me to express my otherwise displaced emotions. Though I’d like to rarely bring this up–my father passed away recently and I find that I’ve been crafting more and more to cope with the grief. I think it may have something to do with connecting with the physical world and placing something tangible into perspective.

Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 1.49.47 AMIt’s also because where I live, the Silicon Valley, can be exhausting from time to time. I personally feel like I am losing myself deeper and deeper into the realm of 1’s and 0’s, due to both the nature of my corporate job and this ever-evolving stupid-scary rapid growth of technology. Did you know that you can store at least a terabyte of data in liquid form now? Can I time-travel yet? Don’t even talk to me about the 10th dimension.

In my mind, there’s almost close to nothing in the digital world that can replicate the exact feeling of cutting a piece of paper, the brief second of a 3rd-degree glue gun burn, running die-cuts through a Sizzix while hand-making a card or meeting other gross craft people (sorry if I’ve offended you. And your cats.)

If this hasn’t inspired you, then please look around and see how you feel after you’ve browsed a few pages!

See you soon, my fellow Hearts & Crafters!

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